Script Name:
Version: 1.5.4
Author: De Kus
Script Date: 13/09/2006
Category: Services Scripts
Downloads: 67
File Name:
Short Description:
An event driven script (no timers used for output) to keep your bot authed to NickServ, keep your primary nick by ghosting and releasing it and finally of course to interact with ChanServ to join the channel and get op.
Extended Description File
by De Kus <>
ChanServ features: reop, unban and invite on need
NickServ features: stay authed, keep primary nick
(this much complexer than it sounds)
General features: event driven interaction (no timers, imidiadly
reacts based on reaction from services)
only acts if services are on
compact code (~250 lines)
Install requirements:
* Add (if not existing) chanserv as a user with hostmark matching
the real chanserv, global +m flag and flags represanting the bots
access level on the channels.
* Add (if not existing) nickserv as a user with hostmark matching
the real nickserv and global +f flag
* change nickpass
Setting diffrent hostmarks for nickserv and chanserv will help your
bot to seperate them from each other which is required for this script.
An example chanserv entry can be found on the forums of
Note: set a random pass for nickserv and chanserv to prevent
the services to abuse your bot, if you fear they could.
1.5.4 13.09.06 fixed stupid missing var entry in global of handle:nickauthed
1.5.3 28.06.06 fixed stupid syntax error in nickneed, adjusted the putlogs
1.5.2 17.06.06 trigger need op on chanserv deop, all handle matchs in nocase
1.5.1 13.06.06 Changed flag requirements for invite, since you only need a
"Level above 0" for these commands on chanserv
1.5 15.05.06 added auto reopping on auth (except on server connect)
enhanced various comments
1.4.6 10.10.05 fixed guestnick bug, was bound to wrong proc
fixed a bug that might make the bot trouble when nickserv
was not avaible at login
1.4.5 08.10.05 changed everything to return 0 in handle:need
1.4.4 08.09.05 Added log entry when sending password for debugging purpose
1.4.3 17.04.05 Added dcc command nsfix
1.4.2 14.04.05 minor adjustments for better handling of netsplit lags
1.4.1 12.04.05 some code changes for offline detection and deguest handling
removed nickchange IDENTFIY because it was redudant
1.4 11.04.05 integrated service offline detection, some code cleanup
1.3.2 11.04.05 added WATCH (notfiy) binds
1.3.1 10.04.05 added config for DALnet
1.3 10.04.05 changed rejoin from utimer to bind
1.2.1 19.03.05 fixed guest recovery, changed initservpassneeded
to a setting
1.2 0?.02.05 Added nick recovery on guest change
1.1 30.01.05 Extended init-server event
1.0 ??.??.04 10.06.04 is file creation date, but I believe the script is older
Published under the GNU GPL, a copy is included in the archive.