Script Name:
Author: SpiKe^^
Script Date: 03/10/2014
Category: Game Scripts
Downloads: 970
File Name:
Short Description:
Full featured trivia game script. Advanced features include support for many question file formats, on-join greet & auto start game, auto-voice top players, public commands, non-english character support, easy day/month name translations, BogusHTML support, and much more.
Extended Description File
################################################## Date: 14Aug14 ##
## BogusTrivia by SpiKe^^ Game Settings File v2064 ##
# #
# If you'd like to Preview the script Visit Undernet #BogusTrivia #
# #
# Please report bugs or make comments at: #
# irc: undernet: #pc-mIRC-help #
# email: #
# web site: #
# #
# Support Forum: #
# #
# #
# View Extensive Info, FAQ Sheets and Screenshots #
# #
# #
# Eggdrop 1.6.21 Important Note! #
# #
# BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! #
# #
# It may still be best to properly patch the flawed Eggdrop. #
# If you want to utimer patch an Eggdrop 1.6.21 bot, you will #
# need to apply the timerworkaround.patch.gz by Thommey available #
# on at #
# This patch fixes the utimers issue with the Eggdrop 1.6.21 #
# #
# Version Release Notes: #
# #
# BogusTrivia is now Immune to the Eggdrop 1.6.21 utimers Bug!!! #
# #
# New Feature: BogusLimits #
# BogusTrivia can now Limit the number of points any #
# one player can get in any one day (midnight to midnight). #
# #
# New Advanced Custom Points Rounding Settings: #
# By default, BogusTrivia chooses the best points rounding #
# plan, based on your points settings. Now you can choose your #
# preferred points rounding settings for all question values. #
# #
# -> New Settings in This Release: t-2.settings.tcl <- #
# 1. Added five settings to support the new BogusLimits feature. #
# 2. Added four new Advanced Custom Points Rounding settings. #
# 3. Added a setting to control the low end of the bonus points. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Patched BogusTrivia's game timer functions to where they now #
# ignore bad utimers created due to the Eggdrop utimers bug:) #
# Added code for the new BogusLimits feature & points settings. #
# #
# -> New Updated Files: All 4 Included ReadMe Files <- #
# Added documentation for the new BogusLimits feature and #
# cleaned/updated all the ReadMe files. #
# #
# -> BogusTrivia no longer includes a patch file for BogusHTML <- #
# BogusHTML now has its own new full version release available! #
# Get the new BogusHTML 2.06.4 (BogusTrivia Html Page Maker) #
# from my web site at: #
# #
## BogusTrivia Game Features ##
# #
# 1. Scores Reset Daily, Weekly, and Monthly. #
# 2. 8 Preset Colors Themes & Colorless. #
# 3. Custom Color Setup. #
# 4. Includes a Question File. #
# 5. Supports UWord, Scramble, Multiple-Choice, and KAOS. #
# 6. Custom On|Off Triggers #
# 7. User Flag Protected Commands #
# 8. Anti-Theft Feature On|Off #
# 9. Unlimited Point Ranges #
# 10. Bonus Questions On|Off w/ Point Ranges & Intervals #
# 11. KAOS Questions On|Off w/ Point Ranges & Intervals #
# 12. Custom Hints (trigger & timer setting) #
# 13. Show|Hide Channel Stats (10-20-30 players) #
# 14. Unlimited Custom Channel Ads #
# 15. Public Command to Repeat Question #
# 16. Custom Week Reset (mon-tues-wed) #
# 17. Custom KAOS Options #
# 18. Unlimited Questions (subject to hd space or 1 million) #
# 19. Will accept almost any q&a format or text file extension. #
# 20. No line limit on the question files added. 3+ lines per file#
# 21. Error correction: removes bad questions & creates a badqes #
# file you may edit or discard. #
# 22. Flood control on all public commands. #
# 23. Adjustable timers to slow trivia if there are no players. #
# Can also Stop the game when no one is playing. #
# 24. Track Users by handle, nick or username@host (or just nick) #
# 25. Player Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) #
# 26. Accurate Scores Totals. #
# 27. Support for non-english characters in answers #
# examples: ñ á æ ø å #
# 28. User file clean up. remove players not seen in x amount #
# of time #
# 29. Restart game play on rejoin #
# 30. Scheduled backup of user and history files #
# 31. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos #
# 32. Channel Greet system with flood control #
# 33. Auto-Voice Top Players with exempts #
# 34. On-Join Flood Settings #
# 35. On-Join Auto-Start the Game with Exempts #
# 36. Public Triggers for game stats and info #
# 37. Complete User Defined Public Triggers System #
# 38. Daily Player Points Limiting #
# #
## BogusTrivia 2.06.4+ Version History ##
# Version Release Notes: (Patch for Version #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.commands.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: (Thanks ivanov) #
# Fixes the issues with the public .info command & the #
# %t variable substitution code in user defined public replies.#
# Example: User file created on 05/14/11 (.info total players) #
# Fixes the %m variable substitution code issue in user defined #
# public relies. %m = command used to trigger the reply #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: #
# Fixes an issue with the public: .stats <nick> usage reply. #
# #
# -> New Updated Files: t-2.settings.tcl & Commands.txt <- #
# Added documentation for the fixed %m variable substitution #
# code in user defined public relies. #
# Version Release Notes: #
# #
# -> New Settings in v2.06.4.5 : t-2.settings.tcl <- #
# 1. Set separate user flags to turn the game off #
# 2. Allows much lower point ranges for questions and kaos #
# 3. Allows much lower pause times between questions and hints #
# 4. Change all command prefixes with one setting #
# 5. Change hint placeholder default character #
# 6. Allows longer questions (max character limit & multi-line) #
# 7. Several new question presentation options #
# 8. Strip color codes from players answers #
# 9. Strip extra spaces from players answers #
# 10. New public commands: .info .webstats & .stats <nick> #
# 11. User defined public triggers and replies options #
# 12. Sample user defined commands: .commands .rules .time #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: Fixed an issue where public stats command reply #
# was showing the \002 bold code. #
# Added code to support new options and public commands. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.commands.tcl <- #
# Added code to support the new public commands. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: bogus.ques.sample <- #
# Cleaned Many Doubles and Removed Bad Questions. #
# #
# Upgrading from BogusTrivia v2.06.4 or older may also require: #
# -> Updated File: t-2.html.tcl (Patch for BogusHTML)<- #
# NOTE: The Patched t-2.html.tcl & Upgrade Instructions readme #
# BogusHtml-2.06.2.beta4-Upgrade.txt is included with this #
# script release in: BogusHTML #
# #
# Bug Fix: #
# Fixed an issue that was keeping BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta3 #
# from running at all with BogusTrivia 2.06.4 and above #
# NOTE: Use the included t-2.html.tcl to patch an existing #
# install of BogusHTML 2.06.2 beta3 to run with this #
# version of BogusTrivia. #
# Version Release Notes: #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: (Thanks speechles) #
# Fixed a script load issue causing the following error... #
# can't read "tclr(-emsg)": no such element in array #
# #
# -> New Updated File: bogus.ques.sample <- #
# New Trivia Question File: #
# Add 12,000 New Questions to the BogusTrivia Database. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.settings.tcl <- #
# File Maintenance Only, No New Settings were Added: #
# Cleaned and Organized the BogusTrivia Settings File. #
# #
# No Other Files were Changed from the Release! #
# No New Options or Settings were Added to this patch release. #
# Version Release Notes: #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: #
# Fixed an issue where the information displayed for public #
# stats & auto-voice was not always reset properly at midnight. #
# #
# -> New Updated File: t-2.html.tcl <- #
# Bug Fix: #
# Fixed an issue that was keeping BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta3 #
# from running at all with BogusTrivia 2.06.4 #
# NOTE: Use the included t-2.html.tcl to patch an existing #
# install of BogusHTML 2.06.2 beta3 to run with this #
# version of BogusTrivia. #
# #
# No Other Files were Changed from the 2.06.4 Release! #
# No New Options or Settings were Added to this patch release. #
# Version 2.06.4 Release Notes: #
# #
# -> New in v2.06.4 <- #
# 1. Point Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) #
# 2. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos #
# 3. Channel Greet System with Flood Control #
# 4. Auto-Voice Top Players with Exempts #
# 5. On-Join Flood Settings #
# 6. Game Can Stop When No One Is Playing #
# 7. Auto-Start Game On-Join with Exempts #
# 8. Public Commands to View Stats #
# 9. Custom On-Join Greet Colors #
# #
# Bug Fix: #
# Game Play timings should now update and change with a .rehash #
# of the bot. #
## BogusTrivia Extended Version History ##
# -> Updates in v2.06.4.5 <- #
# 1. Set separate user flags to turn the game off #
# 2. Allows much lower point ranges for questions and kaos #
# 3. Allows much lower pause times between questions and hints #
# 4. Change all command prefixes with one setting #
# 5. Change hint placeholder default character: * #
# 6. Allows longer questions (max character limit & multi-line) #
# 7. Several new question presentation options #
# 8. Strip color codes from players answers #
# 9. Strip extra spaces from players answers #
# 10. New public commands: .info .webstats & .stats <nick> #
# 11. User defined public triggers and replies options #
# 12. Sample user defined commands: .commands .rules .time #
# -> Updates in v2.06.4 <- #
# 1. Point Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse) #
# 2. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos #
# 3. Channel Greet System with Flood Control #
# 4. Auto Voice Top Players with Exempts #
# 5. On-Join Flood Settings #
# 6. Game Can Stop When No One Is Playing #
# 7. Auto Start Game On-Join with Exempts #
# 8. Public Commands to View Stats #
# 9. Custom OnJoin Greet Colors #
# -> Updates in v2.06.3.2 <- #
# 1. Fixes the install & restart issues found in v2.06.3 #
# 2. Only the t-2.tcl was updated #
# -> Updates in v2.06.3 <- #
# 1. Contains all new files! #
# 2. Smooth installation or upgrades #
# 3. Custom on|off triggers now accepted #
# 4. Show|Hide stats to the channel #
# 5. New settings to translate day and month names #
# 6. Restart game play on rejoin bot to the channel #
# 7. Scheduled backup of user and history files #
# -> Updates in v2.06.2.beta2 <- #
# 1. Last release with bundled html page generator #
# 2. New templates & CSS files #
# 3. History stats, previous Days, Weeks and Months #
# 4. /msg command .make to generate pages on demand #
# -> Updates in v2.06.2.beta1 <- #
# 1. Now supports html stat page generator #
# 2. Currently supports Active Stats Only #
# 3. Player stats for Today, This Week, This Month & Lifetime #
# 4. Creates public_html folder and moves pages to it. #
# -> Updates in v2.06.1 <- #
# 1. Added support for non-english characters in answers #
# -> Updates in v2.06 <- #
# 1. Moved All Script Settings To File: t-2.settings.tcl #
# 2. Added Three Advanced Stats Options #
# 3. Fixed The Stats Bug That Allowed A User To Lose Their Stats #
# 4. Will Fix Old User File, Combines & Removes All Doubles #
# 5. Fixed: Script Would Crash If Kaos Was On & Had No Kaos Files #
# -> Updates in v2.05.2 <- #
# 1. Script Now Supports KAOS #
# 2. Added Advanced KAOS Options #
# 3. Additional Color Themes #
# -> Updates in v2.04 <- #
# 1. Script Now Supports UWord & Scrambles #
# 2. Now Supports Multiple-Choice Answers (example: "two" or "2") #
# 3. New Custom Colors Setup (choose your own colors:) #
# 4. Anti-Theft Feature now with On-Off #
# 5. Added several other Advanced Settings #