Script Name:
Version: 0.01h
Author: Rosc2112
Script Date: 27/11/2006
Category: Quote Scripts
Downloads: 94
File Name:
Short Description:
Stores quotes from users and shows them either randomly or by number. Includes a search function, quote categories, logging, configurable limits for users and for categories, permissions fully configurable, handles tcl-special characters properly, etc.
Extended Description File
# Quotes-2112 - Copyright C.Leonhardt Nov.2006 rosc2112 at yahoo com
set q2112ver "0.01h"
# Purpose: Stores quotes from users and shows them on command.
# Features:
# - Users can save/delete their own quotes.
# - Configurable permissions for adding/deleting quotes for other
# people or categories.
# - Configurable number of quotes to save
# (users and "categories" have seperate limits.)
# - Configurable command prefix, PRIVMSG/NOTICE, etc.
# - Logs adding/deleting quotes/categories into a "quotelog"
# section of the datafile.
# - Special "any" category for general, unlimited number of quotes.
# - Command to create/delete "categories" for quotes
# (deletes all quotes for category as well).
# - Command to list all "categories" by name.
# - Command to show quote from yourself by number or at random.
# - Command to show quote from username or category by number
# or at random.
# - Command to show quote randomly from entire datafile.
# - Command to show quote randomly from the "any" category.
# - Command to show all quotes for username / category (in privmsg).
# - Command to show all of your own quotes (in privmsg).
# - Command to search quote datafile by keywords/text string
# (results shown in privmsg).
# - Command to show statistics for all quotes in the datafile
# (total number of quotes, users/quotes, etc.)
# - Command to show the quotelog data (to those with permissions).
# - Quotes within a user's or category's saved quotes are
# automatically renumbered when one line is deleted.
# - Properly handles all tcl-special chars, so quotes can contain
# ANY input.
# Use: .quotehelp
# - Typed in channel or privmsg to the bot, show the full helpfile.
# Notes about "Categories" :
# Categories are special usernames/handles added to the bot, & named
# for the category they represent (such as, history, sports, etc.)
# Its global flag is used to distinguish these from regular usernames
# (I use the flag "Q" by default, but this is configurable below.)
# When reporting bugs,
# PLEASE include the .set errorInfo debug info! Read here:
# History:
# Nov 10 2006 - Initial conception.
# Nov 14 2006 - First release.
# - Fixed stats showing the "any" category under "Users"
# - Made permission configs both global and channel
# (channel flags will not work in privmsg,
# only when commands are typed in channel.)
# - Added [nick2hand] to the quotelog lines, just to
# have the handle for the person..
# - Tweaked stats format a bit.
# - Made searches/string matches case-insensitive.
# - Added more verbose error msgs.
# Nov 18 2006 - Added a total to the msg when saving a new quote
# (shows quotenumber/total-allowed)
# - Made config file a seperate file
# (requested by Dianora)
# - Added an array to the search function to show the
# quote's number from the name/category.