Script Name:
Version: 1.0
Author: Nor7on
Script Date: 16/07/2008
Category: File Server Scripts
Downloads: 62
File Name:
Short Description:
Uploads files from the bot's directory to a remote FTP server at the specified interval.
Extended Description File
#If u want Upload More Files, Just Add more lines, ex:
#set onefile "file1"
#set twofile "file2"
#Add More Lines if u want upload more files.
#set threefile "file3"
#set fourfile "file4"
#find this line:
#global serverftp ftpuser ftpass sendtime eggpath serverpath
onefile twofile
#and add this:
#threefile fourfile
#global serverftp ftpuser ftpass sendtime eggpath serverpath
onefile twofile threefile fourfile
#And find this lines:
#puts $wurstbaum "put $eggpath/$onefile $serverpath/$twofile"
#and add after it's lines:
# puts $wurstbaum "put $eggpath/$threefile $serverpath/$threefile"
# puts $wurstbaum "put $eggpath/$fourfile $serverpath/$fourfile"