============================================================================================ -= BLaCkShaDoW Production Presents =- BlackTools - The Ultimate Channel Control Script One TCL. One smart Eggdrop ============================================================================================ BlackTools is the most complete channel management script who can manage channels from all the IRC networks, although some modules are specifically designed only for Undernet network. ----------------------- Download : http://blacktools.tclscripts.net Bugs report : http://www.tclscripts.net History : http://www.tclscripts.net/release-notes GitHub page : https://github.com/tclscripts/BlackToolS-TCL-script Online help : irc://irc.undernet.org/tcl-help #TCL-HELP / UnderNet You can ask in english or romanian / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( T | C | L | S | C | R | I | P | T | S | . | N | E | T ) \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / You want a customised TCL Script for your eggdrop? Easy-peasy, just tell us what you need! We can create almost anything in TCL based on your ideas and donations. Email: blackshadow@tclscripts.net or info@tclscripts.net with your request informations and we'll contact you as soon as possible. ----------------------- Ideas, suggestions, comments ? This script is free of charge but I accept donations, old computers, free shells :)) In any case, if you have any comment (good or bad) go to http://tclscripts.net. Minimum requirements: o Eggdrop 1.8.x o Tcl 8.5 or higher. Most important features: o Multi-channels support: intelligent IRC channel management, every owner(s)/manager(s) can customise this script and its component settings for each channel to his liking. (add/remove users, activate or disable desired protections, modules or commands) o Global boss owner(s) now have the possibility of being able to modify, directly into, their eggdrop config file (eggdrop.conf) without having to log on to the shell machine to do that. (i.e. nickname, realname, homechan, chanserv, chanserv username, chanserv password, etc.) o Designed for flexibility and ease of use: BlackTools is now 100% flexible to be configured via channel, you can set different settings for each channel. o Owner(s) timer module system which allows to start timers to execute certain processes (proc) and in case you want to kill/stop a timer you can do this through this module too. Also provides and a list of active timers running. o Allows you to upload files that match the pattern *.tcl from a url inside your eggdrop's scripts directory. o Note module system where users can send messages to each other or save personal notes. Also, eggdrop will send notes to global owner(s) to inform them every time is abused (banned/can't join a channel). o CIDR support, dnslookup support and webirc hosts support. o All commands works through private message (PRIVMSG) and possibility that all users, who have access to eggdrop, can set their own cmdchar such as '!'. o All the warn/kick/ban reasons are highly customizable. Every channel manager can add or remove anything as want easily. o The new BlackTools version brings also a new and very well-implemented ban system which performs accurate and efficient searches through global banlist and every channel banlists for a better management and an easier removal/unban. o Perfect navigational system through the pages of every module which has this option and a quote support system module. o Protection against botnet (mass) and private floods. o And lots of cool features for your eggdrop :) Important: Read BlackTools MANUAL (.man command) for help and information about configuration. Read INSTALL file to know how to install it. Read FAQ file for the most frequently asked questions. Credits: o Settore for hosting the tclscripts.net project website. settore@tclscripts.net [ www.codegeenie.world ] o Florian (most craziest imagination guy) for spotting some major and important issues, also for provinding all the required and necessary materials needed for this script to be ready. florian@tclscripts.net [ www.tntradio.ro ] Utenti italiani: --------------------- Italian Language: Nessuna traduzione ufficiale ancora (puo essere fatta su richiesta). Usuarios espanoles: --------------------- Spanish Language: Sin traduccion oficial todavia (se puede realizar a peticion). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Daniel Voipan (aka BLaCkShaDoW). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR : Daniel Voipan NICK : BLaCkShaDoW MEET ME : On *UnderNet.org: #TCL-HELP, #UnBan, #TNTRadio EMAIL : blackshadow@tclscripts.net URL : https://github.com/DanielVoipan/ GREETS : o Special thanks to QueenElsa and Florian for testing, suggesting fixes and new features inspiration for many parts of BlackTools.tcl that led to the improvement of this script. o Thanks also to Time2Go > Ionut (retired..) without whom this script would not have gone so far. - admin of #TCL-HELP Channel o As well, many thanks to psycho & WildMan for the interest shown in testing & searching for errors. o Thank you to all those people who found bugs in the script and reported them and to all the users who joined #TCL-HELP and shared their ideas and suggestions. - Website: wWw.TclScriptS.NeT - #TCL-HELP (BlackTools TCL Project Official Channel) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================== BlackTools - The Ultimate Channel Control Script One TCL. One smart Eggdrop ================================================================================== +++ Change Log 2.5.2 (summary) ------------------------------------------------------------- **** GENERAL CHANGES - Major coding changes for better and faster performance. -- Added a helpful information system to show, after each info request from BlackTools manual, some important TIPS about how to use this script. --- All major protections supports now addition of exceptions and customization of the ban method on each word. ----- The bot now understands some CIDR notation and dnslookup bans. ------ All protections and ban methods recognize webirc hostmask like: mibbit.com, kiwiirc.com, irccloud.com. **** IDLE - Code fixes and enhancements. -- Minor bugs fixed. **** SECUREMODE - Added multiple random code messages for a better security. **** ANTIJOINFLOOD - Recoded and combined antijoinflood with antijoinpartquit in only one protection. **** TOPWORDS - Upgraded to show more statistical informations about: smiles, actions, questions, etc. **** NOTES - Automated abuse system to report directly to the BOSS OWNER. -- Possibility for owners to decide whether they want to receive notes or not. **** SILENCE - Added a personal protection for the bot against ctcp, notice, msg & ctcr using the server silence command. **** AWAYACTION - warn-ban-kick -- Changed the output method of showing the adverts. **** BANLIST CLEANER - Implementated an automatic banlist clean system to remove a certain number of bans when the channel banlist is full. **** BANS DISTICTIONS - Added (global) to distinguish local bans from global ones. **** CONSECUTIVE LETTERS PROTECT - Added a new protection againts chars/consecutive repeated letters. **** REPORT SYSTEM - Added a flood protection settings against those who abuse the use of command. -- Added the possibility that the report to be sent in eggdrop's PRIVMSG. **** BADCHAN - Code fixes and enhancements. -- Added extra option ShowBadChan-bwait and words to be exempted. --- Minor bugs fixed. **** BADNICK - Added extra an option badnick-bmethod. -- You can now add words to be exempted. **** BADIDENT - Added possibility of being able to modify the banmask method. --- You can now add words to be exempted. **** INVITEBAN - Added exception for Undernet Official Bot *X*. **** QUOTE - Minor text fixes: spelling and grammar mistakes. -- Minor bugs fixed. **** CP SYSTEM - Some major bugs fixed. **** SEEN - Minor bugs fixed. **** XTOOLS - Minor bugs fixed. **** LINK SYSTEM - Minor bugs fixed. **** BADREALNAME - Minor bugs fixed. **** ADD/ADDUSER/USERLIST - Minor bugs fixed. -- Removed the adduser command and included all it's functions to the add command. **** COUNT - Reintroduced count module, but only as informative thing and how to use it. **** ANTISPAM - Added exception from on-join message for all users with access. **** ANTISPAM - Minor bugs fixed. **** STATS - Reintroduced the statistics for ban commands used by each user with access. ================================================================================ BlackTools - The Ultimate Channel Control Script One TCL. One smart Eggdrop ================================================================================ o Before starting with this script, please read the README and FAQ file :) Thank you for this. o gunzip and untar tar.gz file: some/where> tar xvzf BlackTools2.5.2.tar.gz OR some/where> gzip -d BlackTools2.5.2.tar.gz some/where> tar xvf BlackTools2.5.2.tar o Edit the BlackTools.tcl file. o Copy dir 'BlackTools/' into your 'scripts/' dir of your eggdrop (This is case sensitive!). cp BlackTools/ /home/of/your_eggdrop/scripts/ o Copy BlackTools.tcl file into your 'scripts/' directory: cp BlackTools.tcl /home/of/your_eggdrop/scripts/ o Add the following line at the end of your eggdrop config file: source scripts/BlackTools.tcl o Now restart your eggdrop and type .h (in any channel) to start using your eggdrop and to configure this script. Remember to use .man feature to learn about all functions and commands on how to use BlackTools. o WARNING!! USERS WHO USE BOTH A&A AND BLACKTOOLS SCRIPTS TOGETHER SHOULD KNOW THAT THIS WORKS IN THEORY. SO DON'T ASK ME FOR HELP FOR THIS SCRIPT IF YOU USE IT TOGETHER WITH A&A SCRIPT... o Read the MANUAL before asking me or saying: 'this script don't work ;)' o If you don't like this script, either live with the fact that not everything can be made perfectly the way you want it, or don't use it. o Otherwise if you have any problem with this script or if you find a bug, post on tclscripts.net forum an explanation of the problem/bug. You can also meet me on IRC on #TCL-HELP (On UnderNet of course). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlackTools - The Ultimate Channel Control Script. Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Daniel Voipan (aka BLaCkShaDoW). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------