Script Name:
Random Quote Module
Version: 1
Authors: Get_A_Fix, istok
Script Date: 09/05/2010
Category: Quote Scripts
Downloads: 137
File Name:
Short Description:
A basic random quote script for eggdrop.
Extended Description File
# Random Quote Module -
# Get_A_Fix/istok (dalnet/gamesurge/freenode/undernet/rizon)
# $Id: quote.tcl,v1 09/05/2008 02:57:42am GMT +12 (NZST) getafix Exp $
A Basic RANDOM quote script for eggdrop.
Load script to any tcl file, then: .rehash
!aquote <new-quote-to-add> - adds new quote.
!dquote <nickname-of-adder> <quote-to-del> - removes quote,
based on nickname that added it.
!rquote - triggers a random quote.
!quotes <on/off> - enables/disables quote system for channel.
!qsearch - returns the number of quotes in database.
!qsearch <*pattern*> - returns number of quotes matching pattern.
!qhelp - triggers help line, command reference.
/msg yourbot quotes #channelname on/off -
enables/disables quote system for channel. (message command)