Script Name:
Version: 1.0
Author: SpiKe^^
Script Date: 30/12/2012
Category: Game Scripts
Downloads: 178
File Name:
Short Description:
Simple game script that will generate a random dice roll or coin flip.
Extended Description File
# CoinFlip-DiceRoll.tcl Version 1.0 by SpiKe^^ (30 Dec 2012) #
# author: SpiKe^^ #
# e-mail: spike<at>mytclscripts<dot>com #
# webpage: #
# This file is Copyrighted under the GNU Public License. #
# #
######### Coin flip commands #########
# !coin nick1 nick2
# example: !coin starr spike^^
# note: list any two nicks as the players
# !coin nick
# example: !coin starr
# note: command user will be the second player
# For help with the Coin flip command, use: !coin
######### Roll dice commands (with Default Dice) #########
# !roll nick1 nick2 nick3
# example: !roll starr bart spike^^
# note: list any two or more nicks as the players
# note: can use +me or your nick to include yourself
# example: !roll starr bart +me
# !roll nick
# example: !roll starr
# note: command user will be the second player
# !roll -all
# example: !roll -all
# this will roll the dice for every non-exempt nick in channel
# note: max players for -all controlled by cFdR(maxnk) setting
# note: list of players will always include the command user
# !roll <number of players>
# example: !roll 20
# this will roll the dice for 20 random non-exempt nicks
# note: list of players will always include the command user
# For help with the Roll dice command, use: !roll
######### Roll dice commands (with Custom Dice) #########
# note: All above Roll dice commands can be used with Custom Dice
# note: maximum of 20 dice, minimum of 4 dice sides
# !roll <number of dice>@<numbers on dice> <players>
# example: !roll 2@1-6 starr bart spike^^
# note: roll 2 dice, with standard 6-sided dice, for listed nicks
# example: !roll 4@1-10 starr
# note: roll 4 dice, using 10-sided dice, for starr & command user
# example: !roll 5@0-19 -all
# note: roll five, 20-sided dice (numbered 0 to 19), for all nicks
# example: !roll 2@1-50 45
# note: roll 2, 50-sided dice, for 45 random nicks (include cmd user)
# For help with the Roll custom dice command, use: !custom
################ Basic Settings ################
# Set the channel(s) for the CoinFlip-DiceRoll script #
# example: set cFdR(chans) {#mychan #chan2 #sumchan} #
# or set empty for all channels the bot is on #
set cFdR(chans) {}
################ !roll Settings ################
# Default number of Dice to roll (valid settings: 1 - 20) #
set cFdR(dcount) "5"
# Default numbers on the sides on the Dice #
# for standard six-sided dice, use: "1-6" #
# minimum of 4 sides: "1-4" :or: "0-3" #
# maximum of 100 sides: "1-100" :or: "0-99" #
set cFdR(dsides) "1-6"
# Exempt flags for !roll -all & !roll <number of players> #
set cFdR(xflag) "b|b"
# Exempt nicks for !roll -all & !roll <number of players> #
# example: set cFdR(xnick) {ted bart sam} #
set cFdR(xnick) {}
# Set def maximum number of nick for !roll -all #
# default number of random players for roll -all #
# note: will always include nick that did !roll -all #
set cFdR(maxnk) "50"