Script Name:
Version: 6.03
Author: SpiKe^^
Script Date: 07/12/2018
Category: Not specified
Downloads: 1355
File Name:
Short Description:
International Weather script for Eggdrop, Based on Lilys Simple Weather. Users can now set/save multiple weather locations! Script does the current weather conditions, a 1 to 7 day forecast, world time, and more from the API page. Displays in both F/C and MPH/KPH.
Extended Description File
# SayWeather ver. 6.03 by SpiKe^^ #
# International Weather script for Eggdrop.
# Displays in both F/C and MPH/KPH
# Will return weather from
# Requires a Free Api Key from
# Requires TCL8.5 or greater
# Has been tested on Eggdrop 1.8.3
# You may use ".chanset #channel +weather" for each
# channel you wish to use this in,
# Or set your SayWeather channel(s) in the script settings.
# Usage: !w :or: !w <input>
# Input can be <city> <zip code> <airport code> <nick>, etc.
## SayWeather version 6.03 07/12/2018 ##
## Original Script by ( ##
## Version 5.0+ updates by SpiKe^^ ##
## ##
## -> NEW IN VERSION 6.03 <- ##
## - Added new setting: You may now choose to set your ##
## weather channels in the SayWeather Script Settings, ##
## Or continue to use: .chanset #channel +weather ##
## - Fixed the problem with adding a location by zip code. ##
## example: You must provide a city or zip code to ##
## set as LocationID: @92583 (thanks roger:) ##
## ##
################## - Version 5.0+ History - ###################
## VERSION 6.02 - 29/09/2018 ##
## - Replaced the Weather Forecast (removed in versoin 6.01) ##
## - Script now has 3 Weather commands, the defaults are: ##
## !w :Shows a Short version of the Current Weather. ##
## !wz :Shows the Full Current Weather conditions. ##
## !w+ :Shows Full Current Weather plus 3 Day Forecast. ##
## - Script now has 2 Forecast commands, the defaults are: ##
## !f :Shows a Short version of the 3 Day Forecast. ##
## !fc :Shows the Full version of the 3 Day Forecast. ##
## - Added a new Sky/Astro command, the default is: !sky ##
## - You can specify the length of all Forecast/Sky results. ##
## example: !fc5 miami, fl (5 day forecast for miami) ##
## - Added a global time & IP locator cmd, default is: !time ##
## - You can now specify a Nick as the location for commands ##
## !ti bart :see time at bart's saved def location. ##
## - You can now save as many weather locations as you want: ##
## !w set miami, fl :set default location to miami, fl ##
## !w set @1 toledo :set LocationID @01 to toledo, ohio ##
## - To access the location saved as LocationID @01, use: ##
## !fc5 @1 :see the 5 day forecast for toledo, ohio ##
## - To delete the location saved as LocationID @01, use: ##
## !w set @1 :Delete LocationID @01 (set @1 to empty) ##
## - Added command options to see/list your saved locations: ##
## !w -see :see the current default weather location ##
## !w -list :list the default & any saved LocationIDs ##
## ##
## VERSION 6.01 - 25/08/2018 ##
## - Changed the weather source page to ##
## - Changed script name from WunderWeather to SayWeather ##
## - Script now requires a Free API Key from ##
## - Temporarily removed the forecast part of the reply. ##
## Recoded forecast will be available in next version ##
## VERSION 5.03 - 04/12/2017 ##
## - Users can now set/save their default weather location. ##
## example: !w set miami, fl ##
## To use that saved weather location, just type: !w ##
## Does Not use the Eggdrop user file (saves to a file) ##
## - Added metric conversion of most forecast strings. ##
## - Script now allows multiple public weather triggers. ##
## VERSION 5.01 - 28/10/2017 ##
## - All processes and globals are now in a namespace ##
## - Replaced weather forecast (removed by Kiely Allen) ##
## - Replaced metric setting (removed by Kiely &/or David) ##
## - Added 3 new settings for removing colors and/or bolds ##
## - Added Throttle Users - Thanks to user & speechles ##
package require Tcl 8.5
package require http