Script Name:
Channel Advertise/Spam Kicker
Version: 3.92.b
Author: awyeah
Script Date: 06/07/2004
Category: Anti-Spam Scripts
Downloads: 162
File Name:
Short Description:
Detects advertisements/invites/spams from TEXTS, ACTIONS and NOTICES sent to channels the bot on punishing those users. Doesn't ban if it detects a single '#' or 'join' only. Has many exemption options, and a customizable advertise matching worldlist with various banmask types and a kick counter.
Extended Description File
# Channel Advertise/Spam Kicker Script v3.92.b #
# #
# #
# Author: awyeah 5th July 2004 #
# Email: Build version 3.92.b #
# Copyright © 2004 awyeah All Rights Reserved #
# #
- This script detects advertisements/invites/spams from TEXTS,
ACTIONS and NOTICES sent into channels the bot is opped
kicking/banning that user.
- The matching procedure doesn't ban if it detects a '#' or
'join' only.
- Users can define their own matching words in the word list
for matching advertising texts, actions and notices, however
already a variety of all types of ranges are added.
- This script supports *2* types of channel activation modes.
[1] This script can be run on 'user defined channels'.
[2] This script can be run on 'all channels' the bot is on.
- This script has an option, for exemptions. Users can choose
to switch on exemption of channel operators, voices or users
with certain flags in the bots user list.
- This script has a large number of exemption options and
switches such as specific nick, ident, host, user@host
exemption. Also it has an exemption for non-dynamic idents.
- The ban types are not sticky and are regular channel bans.
Eventhough if an innocent user is kicked which has a
possibility of 2% out of 100% he would be able to rejoin
back and will not be blacklisted by the bot.
- This script will not ban on detecting any single
characters/words in a text or action of a user, which will
not annoy users and ops.
- This script will also not ban people in the channel, if they
say that channels name.
For example: If someone on the channel #funchat, says a text
which includes the word #funchat the script will ignore it,
and that person's text would be exempted. Some scripts which
are availiable on the web would punish the user for saying
that, which is quite annoying.
- This script also has a channel interface switch. This switch
will give an option to choose which type of channel interface
to select from such as CHANNEL TEXT, ACTION, NOTICE or ALL
when detecting for advertisements in channels.
- Also added a small kick counter script. It will keep a record
of how many people are kicked with the script. The record of
users kicked will be show in the end of each kick message.
- Availiable are 20 types of bans which can be selected by bot
owners with varying wilcards. These banmasks will enforce a
greater range of customizable bans for banning spammers.
/awyeah @ DALnet