Script Name:
Version: 4.2.6
Author: DragnLord
Script Date: 28/09/2009
Category: Not specified
Downloads: 66
File Name:
Short Description:
Displays, in channel or private message, international weather from
Extended Description File
## Orignal code by: murf
## Maintained by: DragnLord
## #weather @
## This script is based on murf's weather script and corrected to pull
## weather from (goto their site and click on a few a
## ads, lets keep em in business!) and gets US weather by city or zip and
## international weather by city. I will try to keep up with website changes
## as often as possible.
## Derivitive works based on this script (whole or in part) are not allowed.
## Use murf's 3.4.1 (which he released under GPL) to create your own scripts
## Runs on TCL 8.3 & 8.4, tested using TCL 8.4 with eggdrop v1.6.18
## Script will only display to channels set +weather, this was added
## so that public response could be totally turned off instead of
## merely making it respond privately.
## Example: To have the bot publicly display weather to channel
## #weather, you would use ".chanset #weather +weather" (without the
## quotes) on the dcc partyline (or telnet).
## These are public and message commands, not partyline!
## Usage:
.wz [-d] [-o] [-u imc] [-t] [-p] [-short] [help] <city,state|zip> [country]
/msg bot .wz [-d] [-o] [-u imc] [-t] [-p] [-short] <city,state|zip> [country]
## state should be the two letter state code
## country defaults to US and is not needed for US weather
## ex. .wz denver,co
## .wz 11111
## Canada & Australia are no longer special cases, and use the same
## syntax as other countries
## -d <city,state|zip> [country] will set a default allowing user
## to just type .wz
## -o will give output in long or short
## depending on opposite default
## setting for wz_long
## -u <imc> choose units
## imperial/metric/combined
## -s <city,state|zip> [country] get sun rise/set info
## -m <city,state|zip> [country] get moon phase
## -t <city,state|zip> [country] get the time
## -p <city,state|zip> precipitation report for US only
## Country codes now match standard internet country codes as closely as
## possible, but .wzc allows users to search for their code. Input to .wz
## can be entererd as full country name.
## .wzc <search string> or /msg bot .wzc <country>