Script Name:
Fz Commands
Version: 3.1
Author: Opposing
Script Date: 05/12/2005
Category: Not specified
Downloads: 179
File Name:
Short Description:
A script that supports public and private commands. Allows you to set a custom trigger (such as '!') and has a lot of commands which will allow you to have full control on your bot and channel. Security is a priority in this script, no need to worry about security breaches.
Extended Description File
Commands v3.1 Supports public and private commands, and you can
set your own trigger such as '!'.
## These are the private commands: ##
NOTE: <> means required. [] means not obligatory.
<[]> means obligatory only if the request is not 'list'.
## [Control Commands] ##
- op <chan> [nicks/*] : Ops you or specified nicks on chan or massop if *.
- deop <chan> [nicks/*] : Deops you or specified nicks on chan or
massdeop if *.
- voice <chan> [nicks/*] : Voices you or specified nicks on chan or
massvoice if *.
- devoice <chan> [nicks/*] : Devoices you or specified nicks on chan or
massdevoice if *.
- kick <chan> <nick1,nick2,..> [reason] : Kicks nicks on chan.
- bankick <chan> <nick1/ban1,nick2/ban1,..> [reason] [bantime]
: Bans and kicks nicks from chan.
- +ban <chan> <nick1/ban1,nick2/ban2,..> [reason] [bantime]
: Adds specified bans/nicks to
the bot's channel banlist.
- -ban <chan> <nicks/bans> : Removes the bans/nicks from the bot's channel
internal banlist.
- +gban <chan> <nick1/ban1,nick2/ban2,..> [reason] [bantime]
: Adds specified bans/nicks to the
bots global banlist. (owners only)
- -gban <chan> <nicks/bans> : Removes the bans/nicks from the
bot's global banlist. (owners only)
- ban <chan> <nicks/hosts> : Bans the specified nicks/bans on chan.
- unban <chan> [nicks/hosts/*] : Unbans the specified nicks/bans on
chan or clear bans if *.
- join <chan>. : Makes the bot join the specified chan.
(global owners only)
- part <chan>. : Makes the bot part the specified chan. (owners only)
- master <chan> <add/del> <nick>. : Adds/deletes a master on chan.
(owners only)
- owner <chan> <add/del> <nick>. : Adds/delets an owner on chan.
(global owners only)
- host <chan> nick/user:<nick/user> <add/del/list> <[host]>.
: Adds/delets/lists the hosts of
the specified nick. (owners only)
- banlist <chan> : lists bot's specified channel bans.
- gbanlist : lists bot's global bans.
- access <chan> [nick] : Shows your or specified nick's access.
- chattr <chan> nick/user:<nick/user> <+/-flags> : Change the flags of the
spacified nick/user. (owners only)
- user <chan> add/del/list <[nick/user:<nick/user>]>
: Adds/deletes/lists all users with their
specified channel flags. (owners only)
- cmode <chan> <+/-modes> : Changes channel modes on specified channel.
- cycle <chan> : cycles specified channel.
- up <chan> : Bot asks services for op on specified channel
if not already oped.
- invite <chan> <nick> : Invites specified nick to specified channel.
## [Auth CommandS] ##
- auth <pass> : Authenticates you on the bot.
- deauth <pass> : Deauthenticates you on the bot.
- pass <pass> : Sets a pass to you on the bot IF you have no pass.
Opposing (aka Sir_Fz) December 06, 2005.