Script Name:
Version: 0.1
Author: vigilant
Script Date: 10/12/2007
Category: Topic Scripts
Downloads: 46
File Name:
Short Description:
Lets you add topicmasks for a channel. Such as, welcome to #channel, news: *, Then lets you replace * with anything you enter in the channel by using a command. Nice way to keep topic up to date with the latest and save a default topic as well.
Extended Description File
# Lets you add a * to your topic and then,
# replace the * with anything using a public command.
# .chanset #channel +topicmask
# .chanset #channel tmtopic welcome to #channel - news: *
# OR
# .topicmask set #channel welcome to #channel - news: *
# Then in channel, !tm Sign up on the website!
# and the channel topic would be:
# welcome to #channel - news: Sign up on the website!
# To disable topicmask on a channel,
# .chanset #channel -topicmask
# So this is the handy capability of this script.