Script Name:
Version: 1.12
Author: TripleX
Script Date: 26/06/2000
Category: Not specified
Downloads: 99
File Name:
Short Description:
Large script with too many different features to list.
Extended Description File
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## ProgramName......... 3xBot ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Programmer.......... TripleX ##
## eMail............... ##
## Homepage............ ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## current Version..... v1.12 ##
## ReleaseDate......... 26th June 2000 ##
## SoftwareStatus...... FreeWare ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Purpose............. see below ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Requirements........ EggDrop IRC Bot ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Features............ see below ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## planed Features..... don't know of them yet ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## known Bugs.......... none ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Usage............... Just extract all Files to your EggDrop Directory ##
## and edit all the Variables at the Top of the Script. ##
## Then load this Script via your EggDrop-Config! ##
## For further Explainations check the Text after this ##
## short Introduction! ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## History............. see 3xBot.tcl ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## (C) Copyright 2000 by TripleX - All Rights reserved! ##
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
• 3xUsePasswordCheck
This Feature is used to remind added Users to set their Password if
they did not allready. You can set this to 1 or 0 wheter you want
to enable or disable this automatied Message.
• 3xUseTopic
To set the Topic in a Channel a User can use !topic or !ltopic as a
public Command if you enable this Feature by setting the Variable
to 1. If you set it to 0 the Users can only set Topics if the Channel
is -n or the User has +o in this Channel.
The !ltopic sets a locked Topic which can be only overwritten by User
with at least equal Rights the Bots UsersList. If a User with less
Rights tries to overwrite this Topic it will be restored by the Bot.
• 3xTopicTimerCheck
Public Commands support some simple FloodProtection defined by that
Variable. It tells the Bot how often this Command can be used in how
many Minutes. Name the Numbers seperated by a single : included in ".
• 3xTopicIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xTopicLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xUseStats
The Script supports some simple Stats for the Channel. These Stats
include the total Number of Words, the Number of Words per User,
the IdleTimes of Users and the most common Words used in the Channel.
Users can call the Stats with !stats in the Channel. They can also
use !mystats to get their personal Stats displayed.
• 3xStatsTimeForIgnore
Some Users try to cheat Stats using simple repeated Words in their
Messages. The Bot will consider every Message containing a single
Word more than 5 Times as a Cheat and ignore the User for several
Minutes. This Variable tells the Bot how many Minutes the User shall
be ignored for Stats.
• 3xStatsTimerCheck
Public Commands support some simple FloodProtection defined by that
Variable. It tells the Bot how often this Command can be used in how
many Minutes. Name the Numbers seperated by a single : included in ".
• 3xStatsIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xStatsLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xStatsIgnoreWords
This List can be used to ignore different Words for the TopWords.
You can use the Wildcards "*" and "?" to match unknown Characters.
Words matching one of these Patterns won't get listed as TopWords
but will be counted for the User as usual.
• 3xStatsMinWordLength
This Variable sets the minimum Length a Word must have be counted
as a TopWord. Words with less then this Characters won't get listed
as TopWord but will be counted for the User as usual.
• 3xUseStatsAutoVote
If you don't want to care about StatsReset you can enable automated
Voting on this. The Bot will then Vote in the particular Channel and
reset the Stats if the Vote is accepted the by Majority of Votes!
• 3xStatsAutoVoteTimer
This Variable tells the Bot the Number of Minutes to wait between
automated Votes on StatsReset. To let it vote every 24 Hours set this
to 1440 for Example.
• 3xStatsAutoVoteIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xUseVote
To support some simple Votings in a Channel set this Variable to 1.
If enabled every +o BotUser can call !vote <question> in a Channel
to start a 5-Minutes-lasting Vote on his Question. Every User in the
Channel can vote via !yes or !no in the Channel or via private
Message to the Bot.
• 3xVoteLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xVoteLogfile
Name a File the Bot can store the Results of Votings in. The Path
has to by absolute or relative to the Bots Location. The Bot includes
a simple CGI PerlScript to read that File and display all Votings.
• 3xUseMassNote
If you enable this Command every Partyline-User can use .massnote to
send a Note to Users with certain Flags. The Syntax of this Feature is
.massnote <Flags> <Message> where the Flags should be set like known
from the Bot itself (i.e. o|o to send the Note to all Ops).
• 3xColorKick
If you don't like People using to much Color in IRC enable this
Feature by setting this Variable to 1. Users will be kicked by the
Bot if they use more than the defined Number of ColorCodes in a single
Message. BotUsers with +f for the Channel won't be kicked - they just
get a Warning.
• 3xColorKickMaxColors
Defines the maximum Number of ColorCodes per Message a User can use
before he gets kicked out of the Channel.
• 3xColorKickIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xUseCalc
This Command uses TCL [expr] to evaluate mathematical Terms. It can be
used for some quick Computations in a Channel ot in private Chat.
• 3xCalcTimerCheck
Public Commands support some simple FloodProtection defined by that
Variable. It tells the Bot how often this Command can be used in how
many Minutes. Name the Numbers seperated by a single : included in ".
• 3xCalcIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xCalcLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xUseIdle
This enables the public !idle Command. It tells for how long a given
Nick is idle in the Channel this Command is used on.
• 3xIdleTimerCheck
Public Commands support some simple FloodProtection defined by that
Variable. It tells the Bot how often this Command can be used in how
many Minutes. Name the Numbers seperated by a single : included in ".
• 3xIdleIgnoreChannels
Use this Variable to name Channels you want to disable this Command in.
Place the Channels inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xIdleLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xDatabaseLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that use the same
Database. The Bot will send them Messages so they reload the
changed Database after .addentry or .delentry to stay synced!
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xMaxEntriesToShowInChannel
This Variable hiolds the maximum Number of found Entries the Bot will
post public to a Channel. Don't set this one to high.
• 3xMaxEntriesToShowInQuery
If the Query is triggered in a private Chat the Bot will display at
most this Number of Entries to the User. It can be set a bit higher
then the one for the Channel to allow Users to get Results.
• 3xDatabaseTimerCheck
Public Commands support some simple FloodProtection defined by that
Variable. It tells the Bot how often this Command can be used in how
many Minutes. Name the Numbers seperated by a single : included in ".
• 3xUseAddNotification
Use this Variable to enable the public !add Command Users can use to
announce new Entries for the Databases. It can be issued via public or
private Message to the Bot. Simple use !add <Message> to tell the
DatabaseMaster new Entries you would like to get added.
• 3xNotificationHandle
Enter the Handle for the User that receives all !add Notes from the
Bot. It allows only one Handle to avoid duplicate Changes to the
Databases from different Users.
Use .addentry or .delentry on the Partyline to add or delete Entries
from a certain Database. The Syntax is as the following shows:
.addentry <Database> <Entry>
.delentry <Database> <Entry>
Database is one of the Commands without the leading ! (i.e. url, clan,
server, email, icq, what or country). All [,],{,},\ and " Characters
will be removed from the Entry before adding. This is needed to prevent
strange TCL-Errors i couldn't get rid of.
• 3xNotificationLinkedBots
This List holds the Handles of known Bots that support the same
Feature. The Bot will only act if none of these Handles is on the
Channel at this Point, otherwise the Bot does nothing.
Place the Handles inside the {}-Brackets seperated by Spaces.
• 3xUseUrl 3xUrlIgnoreChannels 3xUrlLinkedBots 3xFileUrl
These ones should be self-explaining at this Point. They enable the
different Databases, name Channels which shall be ignored, list Bots
which should be checked for Existence and tell the File, the Bot uses
as the Database for this Command.
The Database is a simple AscII-File containing all Entries on single
Lines. You might want to edit this by Hand first - after editing do
some .rehash and the Bot rereads all of them. While using .addentry
or .delentry you don't need to .rehash the Bot. If different Bots use
the same Database remember to add Entries on one Bot only and to
.rehash all other Bots to avoid Inconsistance.