Script Name:
Version: 3.0
Author: dw
Script Date: 14/01/2000
Category: Not specified
Downloads: 22
File Name:
Short Description:
Uses the AltaVista translator to make the bot capable of translating phrases between different languages.
Extended Description File
# Translator 3 © 1999, 2000 Per Johansson (
# For eggdrop1.3/1.4/1.5
# (might work in 1.1.5 also but I dont really care that bot version suck
# and only clueless morons use them still)
# v1.0 (19/12-98) -- first release
# v1.1 (21/12-98) -- added some user settings
# added bindings for msg and dcc
# made it friendly with multichanbots
# v1.2 (20/9-99) -- fixed security bug..wonder how many tcls that has it.
# v2.0 (01/12-99) -- Totally recoded it should work with older tcl versions
# take less resourses, be more simple to get working
# and be more secure.
# It's now async(non blocking) and requests are stacked.
# v2.1 (03/12-99) -- Added check/fix for possible infinite loop
# Better error handling (host is unreachable etc.)
# Some code optimisation
# v2.2 (06/12-99) -- Improved the url-x-encoder so it wont puke on some
# chars.
# v3.0 (10/01-00) -- Happy new year, and welcome to the year 2000!
# Another lang db, so you have a choise which to use
# the new one supports more languages.
# Some new settings on how it should behave to querys
# and sock# aint used as ID anymore since I reuse them
# to damn fast :P
# It now uses language codes in the commandline,
# type !translate langs get the codes.
# Installation: gunzip translator3.0.tcl.gz
# mv translator3.0.tcl ~/botdir/scripts/
# echo source scripts/translator3.0.tcl >> ~/botdir/<bot>.conf
# .rehash
# Upgrading: Same as above but first remove the old source line for
# translator in the conf file.
# Usage: pub: !translate <fromlang> <tolang> <text>
# msg: /msg <botnick> translate <fromlang> <tolang> <text>
# dcc: .translate <fromlang> <tolang> <text>
# To get help use the same commands but without any args.
# To get language codes : /msg bot tr.. langs or !tr.. langs
# or .tra.. langs
# Note: I code all my stuff from scratch, I rip no other persons code
# If you seen some part of this somewhere else it has been copyed
# from me. Per "dw" Johansson and to hell with then and whoo DCU!
# PS: This script uses either altavista or tranexp so if they
# change anything it might stop working.
# When you use altavista one of the language must be english
# ie you must always translate to or from english.
# tranexp can translate between anylang.
# IMHO altavista does better translations then tranexp
# but tranexp has alot more languages to use.
# If someone knows of a better translator database on the net
# please let me know.